Letting your dog enjoy

the great outdoors!

About me

My name is Barbara and I love dogs.

Always have. Always will. They are our best friends, always happy to see us, ever forgiving and terribly cute. What's not to like? :-)

For a long time I worked in the corporate world, but what I looked forward to most was coming home after a long, hard day's slog to greet my canine friends and spend quality time with them.

During those years I required dog walking/minding services from time to time.  It occurred to me that my time might be better spent, and appreciated, running a service like this myself. And that is how 'Who's Fur Walkies?' came about...

Who better to walk your dogs and spend time with them, than someone who feels they are more than just 'man's best friend'.  They are therapeutic to spend time with and they love you back, unconditionally. It works both ways.

I am fully insured and am a certified Canine First Responder.